Clarity To Freedom

Kickstart your online income journey and have the flexibility to travel the world
Discover which path is best for you by gaining clarity around your goals and setting the foundations to the right online income for you.

You will easily transition to a work and travel lifestyle without giving up on your career goals.

You yearn to travel the world and experience new cultures, but feel trapped by a job you need for money and is NOT serving the travel-centric lifestyle you actually want.

I'm here to help you break free from the constraints of the traditional work world  and embrace your wanderlust spirit.

 Together, we will set the foundations to move to remote work that allows you the freedom to explore the world on your terms.

 ""Before the coaching I felt lost, disoriented, my project did not have a plan or strategy, only many isolated ideas, not so clear or defined, in addition, I felt anxious for thinking too much and not knowing where to start and as a consequence, I procrastinated all the time. Then I worked with Robin not only on my business project, but also on emotional aspects and now I feel focused, more determined and motivated for having clarity and having drawn a plan that allows me to balance my personal and work life." 

"Robin has been a great mentor, helping me to finally get in touch with the version of myself I wanted. Slow travel has changed the way I feel the world. I now embrace my new life as a digital nomad, I don't feel stuck anymore."

"Really resonates with me and as I work throughout the homework, I'm already having some new ideas pop up, thatI'm excited to explore deeper. Thank you Robin! I love the content, delivery and energy!"

 "I like the clear, simple and enthusiastic way that Robin talks because made me feel excited and believe that it's possible! My biggest learning was that having support along the way is important.

"She's incredibly supportive, intuitive, and encouraging. Not only has she helped me deal better with discomfort, but also with my fear of the unknown. I'm now travelling for the next year and still cannot believe it! She understands how to create meaning in life and to be present in the moment." 


 Being called to explore the world.  
Ready to book a solo trip far from home or travel as much as you want.  
Ready to earn money from anywhere - location independence!

...but can’t figure out how to make it happen and are not sure how to transition to a work & travel lifestyle.

HI! I'm Robin.

Travel Mentor, Speaker, Educator and Founder of Our Connected World.

I help heart-led individuals in life transitions embrace a travel lifestyle, without giving up work dreams or financial stability.  

I am a seasoned world traveller (43+ countries and counting) with a background in Psychology. My career ranges from start ups to top Fortune 500 companies and I have over 6 years of Marketing and Mentoring experience.  

I've spent over a decade exploring the world between being a student abroad, an expat, a nomad, a backpacker, and now an immigrant - to create a life that sets my soul on fire...  And now I'm here to help you do the same!

 "Robin helped me sort through the swirling vortex of ideas in my head, to find the career that spoke to me. Its actually a career that spoke to me almost a decade ago, but that pesky voice in my head said people will make fun of you so don't do it. Robin was so encouraging and excited when I shared my idea, I bounded forward and wont look back. She has provided a wealth of information not only for my coaching business, but for makreting, and other online remote jobs. Added bonus she's helping me with my Spanish so when I finally go to Mexico, I will have more confidence to speak"

"I had the desire to travel and work remotely, but I wasn't sure where to start or how to make it happen. That's when I found Robin. I was looking for someone who successfully navigated the work and travel lifestyle and could provide guidance and advice on how to do the same. Through her mentorship, I was able to find the confidence and courage to start my journey and go abroad. I'm now able to work from anywhere in the world and finally be flexible!"

 " You will learn a lot and you will receive material and information that will help you solve many doubts, especially if you feel lost and do not know how to start shaping your project and your future. She also helps you with guidance, support and emotional support in your new stage of life. Robin is an excellent coach, she accompanies you from beginning to end in your process, because she is always attentive and cares about answering all your questions even if they are more personal, because she transmits you a lot of confidence, she is a super cheerful person and it's nice to talk to her, she is a nice person." 



Four modules containing video material and exercises to assist you in transitioning your life and career


We all need that extra support. You can write us questions while going through the curriculum and the team will be happy to help!

Pssst - you want full support? Join the Work&Travel Kickstart program!


Submit any exercise for review so we can truly help you build your next steps.



THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR REMOTE WORK (solopreneur OR as employee)


Frequently Asked Questions

Aspiring remote professionals who want to transition their career online to live abroad, travel more or go on a Gap Year - without worrying about $$.

Walking away with clear next steps and which remote work and/or online business.

Course Pricing

Pay In Full

$73 USD

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